You’re my best investment

My name is Catherine Cruveillier. Over the last several decades, I’ve learned that everybody changes the world—but only a few change it for the better. There is science (neuroscience and behavioral science) and a method that we, as sustainability leaders, can use to change human behavior so more people are contributing to the betterment of our world, rather than draining it of its life force.

I know this method inside out, perfecting it over years of leadership coaching. It results in good deeds because it uses good (let me repeat, “good”) communication. The kind of communication that eliminates confusion by describing things as they are in the real world, and that inspires immediate, enthusiastic action. I’d like to share my method with you.

My name is Catherine Cruveillier. Over the last several decades, I’ve learned that everybody changes the world—but only a few change it for the better. There is science (neuroscience and behavioral science) and a method that we, as sustainability leaders, can use to change human behavior so more people are contributing to the betterment of our world, rather than draining it of its life force.

I know this method inside out, perfecting it over years of leadership coaching. It results in good deeds because it uses good (let me repeat, “good”) communication. The kind of communication that eliminates confusion by describing things as they are in the real world, and that inspires immediate, enthusiastic action. I’d like to share my method with you.

My mission & values

I am on a mission to help humankind acquire the ability to develop sustainably, and I deeply value





I live to serve life.
Mine, yours, the Whole.

Beauty leads words
and numbers.

I honor my word
and yours.

Nature is necessary
and sufficient.
I align with Nature.





I live to serve life.
Mine, yours, the Whole.

Beauty leads words
and numbers.

I honor my word
and yours.

Nature is necessary
and sufficient.
I align with Nature.



I live to serve life.
Mine, yours, the Whole.

Nature is necessary and sufficient. I align with Nature.

Beauty leads words
and numbers.



I honor my word and yours.

Consult My Blog

The answers to some of your questions may be in my weekly blog, Words for Sustainability, made up of succinct, unique, and immediately actionable information to help you accomplish your mission. When you subscribe, receive my free guide, Five Keys to Communicate Sustainability for Success.